Friday, August 29, 2014

Should we judge a book by it's cover?

If thoughts can be public can't appearances be out in the open too? Why do we in the name of religion, culture and tradition believe that one should dress and carry themselves a certain way in certain company?
I am not saying we should parade the streets in our nightgowns or wear shoes inside a place of worship that does not allow it, but isn't clothing supposed to be all about comfort?
Are we so intolerant that to grant access to Hindu temples we are supposed to dress a certain way, and even today under the pretext of religion millions of Muslim women are expected to follow the practice of hijab and burkha? All the same for a saree, the traditional Indian drape, that answers the climate and its requirements, the style has changed to such an extent that it does more to divide the bosom of a woman than to cover it, and it isn't about protecting modesty anymore.

In response to someone being judgemental about the non adherence of the Hijab in India.

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